current events,  life lessons

The Words We Speak

Yesterday yet another school shooting made national news.  A young man in Chardon, OH opened fire and changed the lives of many families in an instant.  The article I read said that the shooter dressed in a goth style and was teased for his appearance.  It also said that he kept his feelings inside.  Though I do not excuse his actions, I wonder how little emphasis we place on the words we speak to others.

Are we concerned that our hateful words may wound someone irreparably or contribute to such tragic incidences as this?  Do we value our own opinions more than the feelings of those we encounter?  Are we immune to the pain that our tongue can cause?

It is no wonder the Bible has so much to say about controlling our speech.  In James 3:3-10, the tongue is compared to a bridle and a horse and a ship’s rudder.  Both are small components that perform the task of determining direction; just as our tongues are small organs that can inflict huge damage.

Sometimes we all have difficulty controlling what we say.  Sometimes hurtful things are said in anger, other times from carelessness.  It is necessary to confess our faults to God and not make excuses.  Contrition can lead to healing and help to prevent tragedies like this one.  Please pray for the families involved affected by this horrible tragedy.


  • My life as a Home Engineer

    Beautiful post sis, I always hate hearing about these shootings, it's sad to know that instead of doing just fire drills and tornado drills kids now adays have to do drills in case of a shooting. You gave me something to think about, in high school I never though any of our words could end up causing someone to come back and shoot, there may be a parking lot fight but that's it. Words do hurt I feel sorry for everyone involved and truthfully I always feel sorry for the shooters in these stories, a very close family member of mine was heavily bullied and I know how much it hurt him even to this day, I don't condone shooting but peoples words and actions can stick. Love you!

  • Babetta

    Thanks, sis. The story is heartbreaking. Words are so powerful, and we toss them out there so carelessly sometimes. Words hurt forever sometimes even after bruises or cuts have healed.
    Love to all of you! Miss you!