gratitude,  love,  relationships

Sister Friend

Years ago, I learned the term “sister-friend” from an Indian woman I used to work with. I fell in love with it. There is another, “sister-cousin” that is equally dear to me. The terms refer to a friend or a cousin who is more like a sister to you.

I have people in my life that fall into this category. I spoke with one the other day. We’ve been friends for almost 20 years. While we don’t talk all the time, we are there when needed. When I called her the other day, I had many things on my mind. She listened intently, waited patiently and cried with me. She truly is my sister-friend.

I have a tendency to keep a lot inside. I do not trust easily. When I find a good friend that I can truly trust, I treasure them like the precious rubies they are. I’ve spent much of my life being emotionally constipated. God has helped me not to be that way any more. I love hard and tell people how I feel about them. It is satisfying.

If you have good friends, tell them how much you love them often. The same goes for family. Time is too short. Spend time. Text often. Send cards. Love is the greatest gift of all. (1 Co. 13)