blessings,  miscarriage


Three years ago, last month, we lost our baby to miscarriage. I was surprised that I didn’t mark the date or post anything on the 24th. When it first happened, I thought the date would forever be burned in my brain. I thought the pain in my heart would not cease and that I would never truly be happy again. I was certain the whole in my heart would never be mended. I did not understand His ways. But God is a God of restoration.

Instead of marking the month on October with immeasurable sadness, I spent it celebrating the birthday of the most precious two-year old in the world. Forgive me, I’m biased. She is such a happy baby. What I realize is that I would not have her had the other baby lived. God has a way of reminding me of His love when I need it the most. He brings joy where tears once lived. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. It’s morning, y’all.
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