politics,  pregnancy

Protesting Protesters

My commute this morning was very colorful. As I coasted down I85, my eyes were assaulted by a red pick-up encased in anti-abortion signs. That should have tipped me off to what was yet to come, but it didn’t. As I got off on my exit, my stomach turned flips as my appetite disappeared. Protesters were lining the bridge; graphic poster boards in tow.

I was furious. “Jesus”was plastered on the backs of their matching t-shirts. I believe that abortion destroys babies. However, these protesters scared me. Their pictures were nauseating and extreme. I just kept thinking that the pro-life message is not being helped with this type of propaganda.

I was so thankful that my children were not in the car with me. It would have traumatized them terribly. I think I might have nightmares tonight. Their signs and shirts showed that they were a Christian organization that was “saving the world”.

Abortion is a highly political topic that I prefer not to broach. But one way or another, this subject has pushed its way into my psyche this week. A woman who finds herself facing with an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy is in a very vulnerable place. She may be scared and confused and hopeless.

One thing we can all agree on (hopefully), is the mother and the baby need to be cared for. Both of their lives are important to God. Both are in need of saving. If we as Christians are willing to condemn a woman who considers abortion, then we should definitely be willing to offer more than prayers to the young woman who chooses to bring her child into the world, whether to parent or place for adoption. We should exude love and not condemnation.


  • Sarah

    I saw them today and got so upset. I was at a stop light and a man was screaming about how Jesus hates this and hates that. I just laid on my horn so no one could hear him! I felt like I needed to do something. Several others started – he got upset:) God personified is LOVE! It hurts my heart to see this. Years ago, our daughter was in the car with me when these people were out and was extremely disturbed by the images she saw. We had to explain to our then 7 year old about abortion – she can't comprehend that!!
    Sorry my comment is so long!! I probably should have just written my own blog:)
    I hope you guys are doing well!

  • Marilie

    A friend of mine said she saw them at Concord Mills yesterday. Her 7 year old son was with her, and he saw the signs and asked her, "why is that baby bloody?" I never did ask her how she explained it…it's just crazy to me that they were outside of Concord Mills in the middle of the afternoon. They have to know people are in and out of there with young kids. Boggles my mind.

  • Babetta

    Sarah, It's always great to hear from you. Tre and I keep saying we need to visit. We are doing well. Navigating through many changes with God at the helm. We hope to catch up soon.