
Driving Scared

A few short days ago, I was driving into work. Everything was business as usual. I was talking to my mom on my Bluetooth headset, and navigating the highway. Then something happened… Suddenly I saw breaklights in my lane, and I realized the lane had come to a screeching halt. I knew there was no way I could miss the car in front, so I hit the breaks and decided to swerve into the median. As I did, 2 other cars starting coming over simultaneously. As I struggled to control my car and avoid the other drivers, I narrowly missed slamming into the wall. In fact, according to the officer, my left side went up onto it.

The fear I felt was immediate. I thought I was dead. I thought of my unborn baby. Once my heart rhythm slowed down, I offered thanks to God for saving our lives.

As the day went on, I began to access the damage. Not to my car, because I didn’t care. My mind. I instantly thought of the time I’ve been wasting on meaningless things. I realized my mortality and the indefinite time I’m promised on this earth. That could have been my last day. Since God kept me, I take that to mean He is mercifully giving me more time to complete the tasks He’s given me. Perhaps this was a wake-up call. I am committed to making every day count and to enjoying even the simplest things. I also know that my daughter’s prayer for my safety was heard that day and so many more. Thank you, Lord.