life lessons

Distinctly Impossible

Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. I looked at several translations of this verse, and all of the ones I browsed used the word impossible. The word choice struck me. I’ve tried many times without success to please God without faith. Oh, I say that I believe, but the worry lines and gray hair tell a different story.

But Hebrews gives me the vibe that trying to please God without wholly believing in all that He is and can do, is a big waste of time! Why would I try to please a man that I don’t trust with my problems? How can I please a man that I don’t believe will provide the money needed to cover our bills? When can I please this man that was big enough to create the whole world in 6 days and not big enough to keep my children healthy or strengthen my marriage?

Hebrews says, it is not possible. No chance. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. So, as I continue to pray about God’s plan for this next stage of my life, I must have complete faith if I’m to have any chance at pleasing Him. Even though God has always proven faithful, I haven’t. When I put Him inside of my tiny, compartmentalized box, He becomes inadequate. His timing becomes imperfect, and I become frazzled. But, in those times when I truly rest in Him, sleep comes easier.