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Eight Babies and Counting

Recently a California woman gave birth to octuplets. Eight children at one time. Amazing. She has raised quite a stir. The mother, 33 year old Nadya Suleman, already has six children in her home, ranging in age from 2-7 years of age. She reportedly is unmarried and resides with her parents.

The woman’s mother, Angela Suleman, recently spoke out against her daughter having so many children. Her children were all conceived through in vitro fertilization, or IVF. The grandmother says she always wanted babies.

There are also ethical questions being raised. Why was she implanted with so many simultaneously? There are apparently guidelines governing the transfer process of embryos. Who will support these children? Although she is college educated, she lives with her parents. She seemingly cannot support these children on her own. Not to say that many people can support 14 children without help.

I have children of my own, and I know they are a gift from God. The Bible encourages us to have children. (many times in the book of Genesis alone) My question is, have we gone too far? In previous years, when women could not have children, adoption was often the chosen remedy. While many believers do not believe in IVF (or contraception), I do not think all fertility treatment is wrong. I believe it is a blessing for families that would otherwise never be. If I had not conceived my children, I would have considered assistance.

My concern is when so many children are conceived, complications increase, for the mother and the babies. When multiple fetuses are in the womb, physicians routinely recommend “selective reduction.” A sugar coated way of saying elective abortion. These children are not only aborted for defects but simply because there are too many or because a boy was wanted instead of a girl. There is an expected, increased loss of children associated with this process.

I definitely don’t have any answers here, but I do think it makes for an interesting discussion and has given me a lot to think about. All life is precious, and the desire for children is from God. What we do with that desire is free will. No matter what, we are each responsible for our reproductive choices and should be sure they are in line with our Creator’s plans. What do you think?


  • jenimama1

    I am all for reproductive freedom since I am a single mother who also used donor insemination, but I am also for responsible, quality parenting first and foremost. I want another child and am afraid of the possiblity of multiples. Quality time is important to raise healthy, happy children who will grow into well adjusted, productive adults. One of the mom’s goals is to hold each baby for at least 45 minutes a day, this would take 6 hours not counting the needs of the other children. My question is if she is 33 years old could she have had the embryos split into two or three pregnancies and not all at once? Babies require more time than older children, that is why daycares make strict teacher to child ratios. In the old days people had large families but the kids came one or two at a time and there were usually more adults around to help. Being a single parent you don’t have the freedom to be sick, or tired because you have no back up, life doesn’t stop for mom while a spouse takes over, it is 100% mom every day no matter what. And it’s not fair to count on the older children to raise the younger ones. Will she take all 14 children to the grocery store every week in a bus? I have so many questions, maybe she has a plan, I haven’t seen her interview yet, and can’t wait to hear what she has to say. I hope that people still embrace this family with help and love, not for the mother’s sake but for the children who need it.

  • Babetta

    I agree with you. I do hope that they receive love and attention, because I think they’ll need it.

    I can’t even begin to imagine preparing meals, cleaning up after and listening to 14 kids! Amazing!

    Is that so? Interesting. I guess you won’t want to hear my news! JK!

  • My life as a Home Engineer

    You know I’ve been undecided on thissince first hearing this story for some reason I can’t figure out how I feel about it. I’ve never really been a fan of anyone who tries to have these multiple births. I know the people who have them really desire to be parents but I feel the biggest part of being a parent is learning not to be selfish. I’m against abortion and would give birth no matter what to a handicapped child however I wouldn’t volunteer to have multiple births if told upfront how common it is for some of these babies to have complications to me that’s a selfish Attitude.

    Another thing that bothers me is a lack of a father figure. Sometimes women find themselves in a position to be single mothers maybe it didn’t work out with the father or the father died and that’s unfortunate. But I have serious issues with women who choose to become single mothers just because they want children. To me that’s selfish even if they can support them this thinking that the children don’t need fathers is flawed there’s some things that only a fahher can teach. I personally learned a lot from my father.

    One other thing is that she couldn’t provide for these children is again selfish because children do need provision so I just have issues all around. However I’m saddened by all the press she’s getting because I’m sure her children are hearing this and it saddens me that they have to hear their family being dragged through the mud.